Saturday, August 3, 2013

A lot to be thankful for

Since the last post two weeks ago, we have been able to solve our challenge with the water tank. We received several suggestions from people as to how to solve our challenge. Peter Greif went even as far as making a scale model of his solution and sending us a picture of his device (with a nice candle as water tank). All suggestions were very helpful and showed us that we are not alone out here. We are supported by a large group of people, many of whom we don't even know personally but we all share the same faith which makes us brothers and sisters.

In the end we were able to hire a crane with the financial support of the company that one of the sponsor team members works for. Thank you Mike! The sponsors team arrived two weeks ago and when Mike heard about our challenge he committed to funding the hiring of a crane so we were able to use a crane to lift the tank into place and to get the water flowing again to the homes. We and everyone in our homes in Chongwe (Nyangwena) is very thankful for this generous offer.

Under the watchful eyes of many of the kids and mamas the tank was placed on the tower just before dark. For the previous week and a half we had taken water from the tanks at the poultry house (we have no chickens at the moment) but it meant a lot of water that had to be carried so having flowing water again is a great blessing.
During the week, the men spent most of their time doing repairs in the homes in both Lusaka and Chongwe. From repairing bunk beds, fixing water leaks to replacing door locks and broken table legs, all kinds of small repairs were done and it was great to see the men working side by side with some of the older boys, showing and teaching them some of their skills. It was an amazing sight to see the delight in the eyes of the boys at what they were able to do and accomplish with the help and guidance of the men on the team. By the end of the week a lot had been accomplished but most importantly an everlasting bond was created between the team members and the children and mamas of the homes. The same was true for the women on the team who spent time teaching the mamas how to use the sewing machines, doing Bible studies, etc. We thank God for the willingness of the sponsors to come to Zambia and see first hand what Every Orphan's Hope is doing to help the widows and orphans. Lives have been changed forever, both in Zambia as well as the United States.
The sponsors team and staff had a dinner in the EOH office where the staff started off with some dancing and singing to show how visitors are welcomed. It was a great experience to see the staff welcome the visitors and to see the visitors respond to their welcome. The dinner was plentiful and provided for a nice mix of local and American food. It was great to spend time together and share not only a meal but also stories and experiences. God is the same no matter where we are.

The sponsor team left again last Saturday which left this past week for us to prepare for the next Camp Hope. The team will arrive this coming Monday so a lot of time was spent this past week on shopping, finalizing registration, making groups, etc. It is amazing to see how the time flies during these weeks but it is also very humbling to see how God is at work and we feel blessed to be part of it.

Another exciting event was the engagement of our daughter Elise with Jeff Becker last Sunday. Their plan is to get married sometime in the summer of next year and we are thankful and excited about their commitment to each other as well as to God. It is difficult not be closer to them right now and not being able to spend more time with them but I am sure that once we get back to Canada we will have a lot to talk about. If possible, we would love to be in two or three places at the same time but that is not possible so we have to seek God's guidance as to where He wants us to be. Please keep us in your prayers so that we may hear His voice clearly as to what His plan is for us.

Thanks and glory be to God for all He has done for us.

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